NEX Makhana :Makhana Online | Flavoured Makhana

NEX Makhana is a High Value traditional Indian snack.  Makhana has been used in traditional oriental medicine to cure various diseases, including kidney problems, chronic diarrhea, excessive leucorrhea, and hypo function of the spleen. Moreover, it is fast emerging as a super food globally owing to its rich medicinal values and mineral contents.

Fox nuts are high in fibre. The digestive process gets sorted with them as they prevent constipation and add bulk to the stool.

Makhanas are rich in nutrients and are a highly protein source of manganese, potassium, magnesium, thiamine, protein, and phosphorus. In addition, both raw and fried Makhana is rich in essential amino acids. Slightly roasted makhanas are an excellent teatime snack and a perfect Tiffin option for kids. In India, people make dishes such as kheer, curry, raita, and cutlets using makhanas.

Many people use makhanas in religious rituals and as an offering to God. As one travels across the country, the variation in the consumption and utilization of makhanas is visible. For example, in north Bihar, people consume the seed in popped form, whereas in Manipur, people cook the leaves and stalk of the Makhana and enjoy it in vegetable curry.

Nutritional Facts of Nex Makhanas

Makhanas are rich in fibre, which helps keep the excretory tract healthy. It also has potassium that helps in balancing cholesterol levels and keeps the heart healthy. Fox nuts, though small, are a powerhouse of nutrients. Snacking on them can give you some amazing health benefits like good skin, controlled weight, good heart health, hormonal balance, and so on.

 May help Control blood sugar levels

Being low  glycogenic foods, makhanas help manage your blood sugar levels. Their glycogenic index is significantly lower than foods like rice, bread, etc. Moreover, their low sodium and high magnesium content makes it beneficial for those suffering from diabetes and obesity.

For example, one animal study showed that administering a supplement containing makhana extract to rats with diabetes helped improve blood sugar regulation and increased several antioxidant enzymes another animal study found that a specific compound isolated from makhana seeds improved blood sugar and insulin levels in rats with diabetes

Several other animal studies have observed similar findings, noting that makhana extract could enhance blood sugar management


Makhana contain sufficient amount of protein and fiber in it. After consuming 1 bowl of makhana a person can stay full for a long time which can ultimately prevent binge eating.
There is one more factor which prevent weight gain i.e. Low amount of calories and Negligible amount of saturated fats in it. Ultimately it fulfill all the requirements for a healthy body.


Makhana contains a good amount of thiamine in it. Thiamine content helps in enhancing the cognitive functionalities of the associated nerves. Thus, functioning of our brain improves which helps us to process the function in a batter and faster way. After consumption of fox nuts more amount of acetylcholine is produced which accelerate the functioning of brain

100 grams of Makhana contains:
  • Calories: 347.
  • Protein: 9.7gm.
  • Fats: 0.1gm.
  • Carbohydrates: 76.9gm.
  • Fibre: 14.5gm.
  • Total Lipids (Fats): 0.1gm.
  • Calcium: 60mg.
  • Iron: 1.4mg.

NEX Makhana is a high-value aquatic cash crop and a traditional Indian snack. It grows in stagnant perennial water bodies. Makhana has been widely used in traditional oriental medicine to cure various diseases, including kidney problems, chronic diarrhea, hypo function of the spleen. Moreover, it is fast emerging as a super food globally owing to its rich medicinal values and mineral contents.

Makhanas are rich in nutrients and are a highly protein source of manganese, potassium, magnesium, thiamine, protein, and phosphorus. In addition, both raw and fried Makhana is rich in essential amino acids. Slightly roasted makhanas are an excellent teatime snack and a perfect Tiffin option for kids. In India, people make dishes such as kheer, curry, raita, and cutlets using makhanas.

Many people use makhanas in religious rituals and as an offering to God. As one travels across the country, the variation in the consumption and utilization of makhanas is visible. For example, in north Bihar, people consume the seed in popped form, whereas in Manipur, people cook the leaves and stalk of the Makhana and enjoy it in vegetable curry.

Fox nuts are great snack food for diabetics and heart patients as they contain good fat and have a low quantity of saturated fats. These properties make makhanas good weight-loss food.